Numantia is a TBS (Turn Based Strategy) video game which narrates the events that took place in the Iberian Peninsula during the expansion of the Roman Republic in the 153 B.C. The game is divided into two campaigns that will let the player revive history from the Celtiberian side with the seasoned Numantians or form the Roman side, leading the Republican army. The single-player campaign tells the story of a war that lasted for decades. This conflict took place between a strong state with a powerful army and a rich city with huge reserves - Rome and Numantia. This project (released for the 2150th anniversary of the siege of the settlement by the Romans) uses a turnbased type of gameplay in which the player participates in moving troops across the global map to occupy strategic points and further confront enemies. In addition to the movement of units, the gamer is engaged in the development of the infrastructure of controlled cities and territories, hires an army and pumps it through battles with aggressive barbarians and other opponents. The player is asked to choose which of the parties to participate in this conflict. Real-life commanders and political personalities take part in story-driven cutscenes and battles. In addition to the single-player game mode, the project includes the possibility of cooperative battles behind one monitor screen.